The note " Impact of the 2023 pension reform in life and health insurance " and its teaser are now available!
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Discover the teaser for Apref's new Thematic Note on the "Risk of Cyber Accumulation in Liability"!
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Find out more about the Life Technical Commission from its President, Didier Legrand (SCOR).
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Reinsurance, keystone of the insurance system

Reinsurers business is protecting insurers against unexpected frequency or intensity of claims.

Reinsurance key figures in France

2022 figures – Apref Source

2022 Non-life ceded reinsurance including CCR (public reinsurance). Increase of 15% vs 2021.
0 €bn
Life ceded reinsurance for 2022. Increase of 6% vs 2021.
0 €bn
Increase of life and non-life ceded reinsurance between 2022 & 2021 for a total of 7 146M€.
+ 0 %

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